webdriver-downloader 0.14.3

Library for webdriver download.



Library for webdriver download. Supports chromedriver(both Chrome and Chrome for Testing), geckodriver for Windows, Linux and macOS.


Using library provided driver downloader

use webdriver_downloader::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
    let driver_info = ChromedriverInfo::new_default().unwrap();

    // Tries up to 5 versions of webdrivers if it is not installed.
    if !driver_info.is_installed() {

    // webdriver is installed.
    // Default installation path is %USERPROFILE%/bin/chromedriver.exe ($HOME/bin/chromedriver for unix family)

Implementing downloader for custom driver

By implementing WebdriverUrlInfo, WebdriverInstallationInfo, WebdriverVerificationInfo, trait WebdriverDownloadInfo is automatically implemented for struct CustomDriverInfo.

Then you can call custom_driver_info.download_verify_install(max_attempts).

Notes on runtime

The library's implementation of WebdriverVerificationInfo::verify_driver uses fantoccini to verify installed driver. Since fantoccini requires tokio as runtime, you need to use tokio as runtime to use library provided driver downloader.